Friday 13 August 2010

A weekend in Paris

After spending half a week with Mum and Dad in Paris this week, I was reminded that our Paris trip before this one, has yet to appear on the blog. In April we visited Paris for a weekend to meet up with the McLennans who were touring Europe, see Herlina and Damien (pre-wedding!) and to celebrate Geoff's birthday.

The weekend kicked off with breakfast with Herlina and the McLennans in the vibrant Marais area full of boutiques, wonderful eateries and markets. Despite filling up on omelettes and croissants we found room to fit in colourful macaroons Herlina had bought from Laudree the day before. We walked off breakfast with a visit to Herlina's local Boulangerie Julien to pick up "the best baguettes" in town according to the locals.

It was then off to Les Catacombs de Paris an underground ossuary that houses the remains of 6 million Parisians in the area called Denfert-Rochereau, where we have stayed once before with Geoff's parents (you might remember our Parisian Easter post in 2008). We were warned of long lines that twist around the roundabout (yes, in the middle of an intersection with cars zooming around!) where the entrance of the catacombs is oddly placed, but for some reason this Saturday there was a very little line so we didn't wait long.

The catacombs sound gruesome, but the white skulls and bones are stacked in a decorative fashion and after touring the labyrinth of underground tunnels one becomes pretty immune to it all! It was tricky to get pictures underground of the skulls and bones, but here's one of Christopher in a tunnel of the catacombs.

After the catacombs we went for tea and cake at Laduree Royale, one of the more quieter locations of the famous Parisian tea salon. Then it was goodbye and best wishes for the rest of the McLennan European tour as I was off to meet Herlina for a wedding dress fitting (you'll have to wait till we catch up on our blog to see the dress and wedding photos).

In the evening, Herlina and I met up with Geoff and Damien for a lovely walk through the courtyards of the Lourve toward dinner at a tiny Japanese restaurant near the Palais Royal. The sun setting over the Lourve courtyard featuring Pei's famous pyramid was simply stunning.

Back at Herlina's, Damien whipped up his special chocolate fondue recipe and even though we were really full from ramen we polished off strawberries, bananas and marshmallows dipped in hot chocolate.

The next day, was Geoff's birthday and we visited Chateau de Versailles. The chateau was the former centre of France's political power from the 1600's and residence of France's royal family beginning with Louis XIV and much later, one France's most famous figures, Marie-Antoinette. The chateau was beautiful and elaborate and its most famous room is the Hall of Mirrors.

The gardens weren't yet in full bloom, but still looked stunning.

In the late afternoon, we met with Herlina and Damien for a picnic in the park behind the chateau grounds.

It was then back to Paris to pick up our bags from Herlina's and say goodbye until their big day. It was also goodbye to Herlina's old apartment, where we have stayed at so times during our visits to Paris. You'll have to wait until we update all our travels to see the gorgeous view Herlina and Damien's new apartment has toward the Eiffel Tower.